by Barrie

Crocus by Bernadette Resha

Here in the Northern hemisphere, spring has finally arrived and with it the awakening energy of nature. If you’re feeling increased vitality (or wish to), here’s a well-rounded strengthening sequence that targets all the usual suspects—legs, hips, abs, back, shoulders, and arms—through a few select poses coupled with the option of longer holding times. It begins with three warm-up poses, and then moves into a strengthening sequence, in which you’ll repeat each pose twice, resting between repetitions for about half the time you stay in the pose.

Props needed: a mat and a little bit of wall space

Overall Strength-Building Sequence

1. Downward-Facing Dog Pose(Adho Mukha Svanasana), 15-30 seconds (about 3-6 breaths).

2. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana), 15-30 seconds (about 3-6 breaths).

3. Standing Side Stretch, 15-30 seconds (about 3-6 breaths).

4. Powerful Pose (Utkatasana) for 30-45 seconds (about 6-9 breaths). Practice twice, resting in Mountain pose or Standing Forward Bend between.

5. Wall Squat for 45 seconds for 1 minute (about 9-12 breaths). Practice twice, resting in Mountain pose or Standing Forward Bend between.

6. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) for 30-45 seconds (about 6-9 breaths). Practice twice, resting in Mountain pose or Standing Forward Bend between.

7. Downward-Facing Dog Pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana) for 30-45 seconds (about 6-9 breaths). Practice twice, resting in Child’s pose between.

8. Forearm Plank Pose for 20-30 seconds (about 4-6 breaths). Practice twice, resting in Child’s pose between.

9. Side Forearm Plank Pose for 20-30 seconds (about 4-6 breaths). Practice twice, resting in Child’s pose between.

10. Sphinx Pose for 30-45 seconds (about 6-9 breaths). Practice twice, resting in Prone Savasana between.

11. Locust Pose (Salabhasana) for 30-45 seconds (6-9 breaths). Practice twice, resting in Prone Savasana between.

12. Child’s Pose (Balasana) for 1-2 minutes.


Download Barrie’s free Guide to Home Yoga Practice right here. Learn more about her book Evolving Your Yoga: Ten Principles for Enlightened Practice and her online classes at

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